About Hazel

Classically trained and with over 40 years experience Hazel is one of the world’s most successful artists with clients covering Royal Families, Titans of Business and Show Business Stars.


Creating Stunning Art Since  1980

Classically trained and multi skilled portrait & equine artist Hazel Morgan is a multi-award winning professional portrait painter, whose work hangs in homes and organizations across the US, UK and Europe. 

While portrait paintings and equine art are her primary focus, Hazel is equally well known as an exceptionally talented hound and dog painter. Having been trained in the famous Charles Cecil Studios in Florence, Hazel is an artist who not only has the ability to capture what she sees, but is able to reach into the soul of her subject, painting each horse as if it were her own, and each person as if she had known them for years. Her work captures precious moments in time creating a legacy for future generations.



Our Story

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Our Mission

Nulla vitae libero eget lectus scelerisque rutrum ac eu nibh. Suspendisse ultrices pretium tellus vel dictum. Donec sed aliquet massa, in malesuada lectus. Aenean cursus congue lectus, vitae iaculis tortor imperdiet cursus. Etiam vel efficitur ex. Aliquam justo sapien, sollicitudin ac hendrerit ut, tempor sed nisi.



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